Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fixing a Low Neckline

Okay, so I figured we would start out with something pretty simple. How many times have we gone to the store and found a really cute top, tried it on and found that it was just a bit too low – you know how it is, we think, I’ll just wear another shirt underneath. This is a great thing for winter, but does anyone really want to wear an extra layer during the summer when it’s 100 degrees outside? I know I wouldn’t! Here is a blouse I found at Wal-Mart (until you get rather comfortable messing around with a piece of clothing, I really recommend buying something cheaper – thrift stores are great – so you don’t feel awful if you mess up – trust me, it happens) with this problem.

What I did was simply add a bit of fabric across the top. All you have to do is find a little piece of fabric – or heavy lace - that looks nice with the shirt (I used brown) and cut a piece that is just over twice the height you need to raise the neckline and slightly wider also (for lace, just cut a piece slightly wider than you need, after all, you already have a nice finished edge with lace J). You fold the piece of fabric in half with the right side (or front side) out

then do some sort of finishing stitching around the three unfinished edges (so it doesn’t unravel when you wash it), if you have a serger, that works great, if not, just do a tight, close-together zig-zag stitch.

Then you pin your piece of fabric to the shirt and just stitch along the three edges where it touches the shirt with a matching thread (a lot of times shirts already have stitching there and you can just stitch over it so you don’t add another line)

and Voila! In no time at all, you have cured your neckline problem for good!

So, just got a few dresses at the thrift store, so over the next few weeks we will be playing with dresses! J So we will be playing with adding onto necklines, hemlines and even adding sleeves!!

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